You can create a peaceful dynamic in your household where everyone feels more connected and understood

Coaching for family connection

By understanding the unique energetic blueprint of each member of your family, you will be empowered with knowledge that every parent (and human!) should know about themselves and their family.

When we look at your family unit as a whole, you will gain an understanding in the role everyone plays, how they need to use their physical energy each day, what “rest” means to each person and how the collective family unit impacts each individual weaving the tapestry of your family collective.

Going through the coaching journey will help you understand where everyone’s energy needs are and a roadmap to best support each person in being able to be the most amazing version of themselves.

Let’s Work Together

Family Coaching
Starts at £222

Understand your unique family system with a chart assessment of each person and how they fit into your family collective.

Includes a 1 hour follow up session.

“Joy is what makes life worth living and yet for some reason we have decided that it is superfluous - the icing on the cake rather than an integral part of the cake itself.”

— Ingrid Fetell Lee